To parents who are raising emotionally complex children, we wanted to let you know about an online event hosted by the Robert Louis Stevenson School.
Please see below for further information about Stevenson's Parent-to-Parent program. Their next event happening this Thursday, March 31 is open to all parents, no matter which school your children attend:
Stevenson's NYC P2P (Parent-to-Parent) Online Events
DATE: Thursday, March 31st, 2022 TIME: 1-2PM PLACE: Zoom link Below RSVP: jpavlonblum@stevenson-school.org
Topic: Stevenson's NYC P2P (Parent-to-Parent) Network Meeting This is a recurring Zoom Address for These Meetings Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/92370635110?pwd=T2txVFlCMUNqSHhVbE8rSmg1QnlWZz09 Meeting ID: 923 7063 5110 Passcode: 582421 One tap mobile +16465588656,,92370635110# US (New York) Dial by your location +1 646 558 8656 US (New York) Meeting ID: 923 7063 5110
Stevenson's New York City Parent-to-Parent Network is free of charge and non-clinical. Parents meet to commiserate, share what’s happening in their parenting, and exchange resources. Events are open to our community and to any parent at any school whose child is emotionally complex.
Monthly Zoom gatherings are held from 1-2PM on Thursdays through June 2022. Dates are below:
P2P 2021-22 Dates
March 31
April 28
May 26
June 30