Manhattan Star Academy (MSA) will be offering an Open House on Tuesday, May 7 for families who would like to learn more about the school's program. MSA is a private special education school located on the Upper West Side of Manhattan that seeks to support and empower children with global developmental delays, autism spectrum disorders, speech and language delays, and neuro-developmental disabilities. MSA utilizes a comprehensive, tailored approach to meet the needs of children with a variety of skill sets. Academic curricula and classroom structure incorporate elements from Applied Behavioral Analysis/Verbal Behavior, TEACCH, and Floortime models.
I will be attending the Open House to field questions from parents regarding the special education legal process, including how to pursue tuition reimbursement. If you think you might be interested in attending this event, please see below.
Manhattan Star Academy will be offering an Open House
on Tuesday, May 7 at 9:30 a.m. at 180 Amsterdam Ave, 2nd floor, sanctuary.
You can register for the Open House here:
Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact the individuals listed below.
Thank you for your continuous support of Manhattan Star Academy.
Martina Remy
Coordinator of Admissions
646.795.3850, ext. 1810
Phyllis Platin
Assistant to Coordinator of Admissions